You’re not likely to get gingivitis from kissing or sharing utensils. But if you have saliva-to-saliva contact with someone who has gingivitis, you’re more likely to develop the condition yourself. This is especially true if you have poor oral hygiene or have health conditions that make you more susceptible to disease, such as HIV/AIDS or leukemia. Gum disease is closely linked with type 2 diabetes and may also increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Soft tissue regenerates faster than bone, so the membrane keeps that space open so new bone can grow there instead of soft tissue. Usually, periodontists use guided tissue regeneration in combination with a bone graft. GTR helps repair periodontal defects (areas of broken-down bone) and prevents soft tissue from growing into these areas.
If the problem continues, it leads to more inflammation and gums begin to recede. Pocket spaces form between the gum and the tooth, which may become sensitive. The best way to prevent periodontitis is to have regular dental cleanings and practice good oral hygiene at home between visits. People who are prone to periodontitis may require more frequent cleanings than people without gum disease. Ask your dentist how often you should have your teeth cleaned to maintain optimal oral health.
Periodontitis, commonly known as gum disease, is a serious condition that can lead to tooth loss if left untreated. One way to diagnose periodontitis is through an x-ray of the mouth. But how can you tell if your x-ray shows signs of this disease?
Understanding Periodontitis
Take a look at our post on how to cure gum disease without a dentist. Some people find the removal of dental plaque from inflamed gums to be uncomfortable. Bleeding and tenderness of the gums should go away within 3 to 4 weeks of treatment. Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums caused by plaque and bacteria accumulation. Taking x-rays is part of the periodontal disease diagnosis process. Gum recession or pocketing can lead to tooth sensitivity.
They told me she didn’t do a probe so she doesn’t know how deep my pockets are, but that she did notice bone loss. They emailed my X-Rays (shown below) and said that I should visit a periodontist to get treated by a specialist. Before and after photos on X-rays of gum disease show radiographic bone loss performed in our Gum Disease Treatment office. In the early stages of the disease, only the gums are affected and there is no damage to the bone and ligaments that hold the teeth in place.
Still, it can affect anyone with poor oral hygiene — those who don’t brush their teeth and floss regularly. Some people are also more genetically prone to periodontitis than others. If your biological parents or grandparents have a history of gum disease, you’re more likely to develop it as well. It develops when plaque bacteria are not disrupted sufficiently for several weeks. The gums start to pull away from the teeth and periodontal pockets develop.
Periodontitis is a bacterial infection that affects the gums and surrounding tissues of the teeth. It is characterized by inflammation, bleeding, and ultimately, the destruction of the supporting bone structure of the teeth.
Signs of Periodontitis in X-rays
When examining an x-ray for signs of periodontitis, a dentist or periodontist will look for the following:
- Bone loss: X-rays can reveal the amount of bone loss around the teeth, which is a common indicator of periodontitis.
- Pocket formation: Deep pockets between the teeth and gums indicate the presence of gum disease.
- Changes in bone density: Changes in bone density can also be a sign of periodontitis.
FAQs about X-rays and Periodontitis
Can all types of periodontitis be detected on an x-ray?
While x-rays can detect most cases of periodontitis, some types may not be visible through imaging alone. Your dentist may need to perform additional tests to confirm a diagnosis.
How often should I get x-rays to check for periodontitis?
It is recommended to get x-rays at least once a year as part of your regular dental check-up. However, your dentist may recommend more frequent x-rays if you are at a higher risk for periodontitis.