They culminate with the submission of their research papers for publication, and the writing and defense of their Ph.D. thesis. Throughout their time at Princeton, students participate in grant-writing workshops, career workshops, and present their work both locally and in national and international conferences. Other popular neuroscience research areas in include molecular neuroscience, neuroengineering, neuroimaging, neurolinguistics, neuroinformatics, and neurobiological study. After talking to a number of grad students, professors and industry people, I have a mixed opinion about the “employability” of a neuroscience grad student. Typographic errors, poor grammar, and other sloppy writing suggest an applicant who does not take the time or effort to ensure quality. It may seem silly to mention, but it is important to make sure that when mentioning programmatic strengths, the applicant should be sure that these are the programmatic strengths of the institution to which the application is sent.
Effective teaching is a critical skill required in most academic and research careers. Students are required to serve as Graduate Student Instructors (GSIs; also knows as Teaching Assistants) for two semesters. GSI teaching occurs during Years 2 and 3 and provides supervised teaching experience in laboratory and discussion settings. Teaching is evaluated, and outstanding teaching is rewarded with annual Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Awards. Once the academic year begins, all students take the Neuroscience Core Course. The goal of this course is to provide a common foundation so that all students have a strong knowledge base and a common language across the breadth of Neuroscience, which is a highly diverse and multidisciplinary field.
Given those results, at this point, our admissions committee will only consider applicants if they have some research experience. However, in our experience speaking to undergraduates, we find that undergraduates tend to underestimate how much research they’ve done. This issue of what counts as “research” appears to worry many applicants, who often feel that they have not done sufficient research to meet this requirement. This program focuses on molecular biophysics and systems biology, including selected faculty in neuroscience. Neuroscience areas include systems neuroscience, molecular imaging/optical probes, cellular signaling, structural biology, and brain imaging. Listen to your gut, and don’t feel like you need to settle to succeed, whether you’re applying for undergraduate research positions, postbaccalaureate jobs, or graduate schools.
During the course of graduate study, the student must successfully complete the required course requirements. An oral examination, conducted as prescribed by the Doctor of Philosophy Board, must be completed by the end of the second year. The student must then conduct original research and describe this research in a written thesis dissertation, which must be approved by the students Thesis Committee and the Doctor of Philosophy Board. Students complete an Oral Qualifying Exam during the spring semester of Year 2. This exam is structured around a written thesis proposal and oral examination on this proposal, related research areas, and foundational questions in neuroscience. During the exam, a faculty committee tests the student’s knowledge of these areas and general neuroscience.
An undergraduate student who wants to take the next step into a PhD program should be encouraged to do so. PhDs have always gone on after their PhD to contribute to science in many ways. A recent survey published in Nature found that a scientific PhD had high value in the United Kingdom and Canadian job markets (Woolston, 2018). In fact, when we look at the distribution of careers our graduating students have taken since graduation, we find that the vast majority (96%) are engaged in important, science-related jobs. They then return to the Twin Cities to begin their formal year 1 experience. Classes provide broad training in molecular and cell biology, including genetics, biochemistry, structural biology, immunology, and molecular, cellular, synaptic and developmental neurobiology.
One might think that the worlds of computer science and neuroscience are vastly different, but they are actually more connected than one might realize. With advancements in technology playing a significant role in brain research, there is a growing intersection between these two fields. So, can a Computer Science (CS) student pursue a Ph.D. in Neuroscience? The answer is yes!
A weekly lecture is given by an outstanding researcher in some field of neuroscience. Seminars are selected so that an overall balance of subject matter is covered yearly. Students are given an opportunity to meet with each speaker for questions and discussion.
The Benefits of a CS Background in Neuroscience
Holding a degree in Computer Science provides numerous advantages for students looking to delve into the realm of Neuroscience. A CS student brings with them a strong foundation in mathematics, programming skills, and data analysis – all crucial elements in understanding the complexities of the brain.
Interdisciplinary Research Opportunities
Neuroscience is an inherently interdisciplinary field, drawing on knowledge from various disciplines such as biology, psychology, physics, and of course, computer science. With a background in CS, students can contribute unique perspectives and expertise to collaborative research projects that involve analyzing large datasets, developing computational models of brain function, or designing neural networks.
In conclusion, while it may seem unconventional for a Computer Science student to pursue a Ph.D. in Neuroscience, the reality is that their skill set is highly valuable in advancing our understanding of the brain. By bridging the gap between these two fields, individuals can make meaningful contributions to neuroscience research and potentially pave the way for groundbreaking discoveries.