Most people with Meniere’s disease have enough warning of a vertigo attack that they can avoid driving when they aren’t feeling well. Ménière’s disease may go away for months or years, but it always comes back. Healthcare providers have medication and other treatments that reduce vertigo symptoms, but Ménière’s disease is a chronic illness that never really goes away.
Ménière’s disease is a chronic condition of the inner ear that can cause a variety of symptoms including vertigo, hearing loss, tinnitus, and a feeling of fullness in the ear. While the symptoms of Ménière’s disease can be debilitating, many people are able to live long and fulfilling lives with this condition.
Attacks of dizziness may come on suddenly or after a short period of tinnitus or muffled hearing. Some people will have single attacks of dizziness separated by long periods of time. Others may experience many attacks closer together over a number of days. Some people with Ménière’s disease have vertigo so extreme that they lose their balance and fall. These episodes are called “drop attacks.”Ménière’s disease can develop at any age, but it is more likely to happen to adults between 40 and 60 years of age.
Repeated episodes of high pressure and sudden releases of that pressure damage the delicate structures of the inner ear and the balance structures of the semi-circular canals. This cumulative damage results in a decline in hearing levels over time. During an attack, symptoms include dizziness, a feeling of fullness in the ear, and tinnitus (a ringing sound in the ear).
Managing Ménière’s disease involves a combination of lifestyle changes and medications to help control symptoms. Some people find relief from symptoms by avoiding triggers such as stress, caffeine, and certain foods high in salt or sugar. Others may benefit from prescription medications to help control vertigo or nausea.
It is important for individuals with Ménière’s disease to work closely with their healthcare providers to develop a treatment plan that works best for them. This may involve regular check-ups to monitor symptoms and adjust medications as needed.
Can you live a long life with Ménière’s disease?
It’s not clear you can do anything to prevent Meniere’s disease because it often starts suddenly and you may not know what caused it. Most researchers think that several of these issues come together to cause Meniere’s disease. The labyrinth is composed of the semicircular canals, the otolithic organs (i.e., utricle and saccule), and the cochlea. Inside their walls (bony labyrinth) are thin, pliable tubes and sacs (membranous labyrinth) filled with endolymph. Tinnitus is when you hear ringing, buzzing, or other noises in your ear, when there is nothing causing the noise.
There is no clear proof that specific foods, herbs, spices, or dietary supplements—such as vitamins or minerals—can help manage diabetes. Your health care professional may ask you to take vitamins or minerals if you can’t get enough from foods. Talk with your health care professional before you take any supplements, because some may cause side effects or affect how well your diabetes medicines work.
These conditions may be due to breaks in the membrane separating endolymph from the other inner ear fluid, perilymph. Some people with Ménière’s disease find that certain events and situations, sometimes called triggers, can set off attacks. These triggers include stress, overwork, fatigue, emotional distress, additional illnesses, pressure changes, certain foods, and too much salt in the diet.
While living with Ménière’s disease can present challenges, many people are able to adapt and manage their symptoms effectively. By following a treatment plan and making necessary lifestyle changes, individuals with Ménière’s disease can lead productive lives and enjoy a good quality of life.
While Ménière’s disease can be a challenging condition to live with, it is possible to lead a long and fulfilling life with proper management. By working closely with healthcare providers and making necessary lifestyle changes, individuals with Ménière’s disease can minimize symptoms and enjoy a good quality of life.