Meniere’s disease is a condition of the inner ear that can cause vertigo, hearing loss, tinnitus, and a feeling of fullness in the ear. It is typically a chronic condition that develops over time, but can you suddenly develop Meniere’s disease? The answer is yes, although it is relatively rare for the symptoms to come on suddenly without any prior warning.
Ménière’s disease may start with fluctuating hearing loss, eventually progressing to attacks of vertigo and dizziness. MD can change how you feel about the way you live your life. Your symptoms may make you feel sick and tired or you may have a hard time hearing or paying attention.
This cumulative damage results in a decline in hearing levels over time. In M’nière’s disease, fluid collects in the inner ear. Many people have only mild symptoms, but in others the symptoms are severe enough to be disabling.
Sometimes—over time—as the inner ear fills so completely with fluid, there is no space left for the fluctuation in pressure that leads to the acute attacks. For these people, the attacks may eventually taper off or even stop altogether. But the excess fluid continues to negatively affect balance and hearing—just in a more steady, chronic way. Meniere’s disease is a rare inner ear condition that can cause vertigo, tinnitus (ringing in your ear), and hearing loss. Vertigo is a specific type of dizziness in which you feel like you’re spinning. It tends to progress slowly, but your hearing loss can become permanent.
It may start with fluctuating hearing loss, eventually progressing to attacks of vertigo and dizziness. No treatment currently exists to cure Ménière’s disease. However, medical treatments exist that can help manage it. Ménière’s disease (idiopathic endolymphatic hydrops) is a rare inner ear disorder. Left untreated, Ménière’s disease symptoms get worse over time and may cause permanent hearing loss and ongoing balance problems. Healthcare providers typically treat Ménière’s disease with medication that eases symptoms.
However, a small group of people with Ménière’s disease will get relief only by undergoing surgery. Video- or Electro-nystagmogram (VNG or ENG)—This exam tests your ears and eyes to find the cause of issues with your vestibular system. This test is not necessary to diagnose MD but may help find a different cause to the vertigo. The vestibular system includes the inner ear, eyes, and nerves connected to the brain that help us with balance, coordination, and posture. This causes nerve receptors in the membranous labyrinth to signal the brain about the body’s motion. Ménière’s disease may occur due to an abnormality in the structure of the inner ear or the fluid levels in it.
What causes Meniere’s disease?
The exact cause of Meniere’s disease is not fully understood, but it is believed to be related to fluid buildup in the inner ear. This fluid buildup can disrupt the balance of the ear, leading to symptoms such as vertigo and hearing loss. Other factors that may contribute to the development of Meniere’s disease include genetics, autoimmune disorders, and viral infections.
There is permanent damage to the balance organ in the ear and significant general balance problems are common, especially in the dark. Most people with Meniere’s disease don’t require surgery, but it’s an option for those who have severe attacks and haven’t had success with other treatments. An endolymphatic sac decompression procedure is done to help decrease the production of fluid and promote fluid drainage in the inner ear.
Symptoms of Meniere’s disease
The attacks of vertigo continue with variable remissions however may be less severe. After or perhaps before the attack the person may experience a period of imbalance and movement induced giddiness. Permanent hearing loss develops and continues to fluctuate with the vertigo attacks.
The symptoms of Meniere’s disease can vary from person to person, but common symptoms include episodes of vertigo that can last for minutes to hours, fluctuating hearing loss, tinnitus (ringing in the ear), and a feeling of fullness in the ear. These symptoms can be debilitating and significantly impact a person’s quality of life.
While it is possible to suddenly develop Meniere’s disease, it is more common for the condition to develop gradually over time. If you are experiencing symptoms of Meniere’s disease, it is important to see a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Treatment options for Meniere’s disease may include medication, dietary changes, and in severe cases, surgery.