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Why do employers force you to work in office all week for a job that can easily be done at home?

Writing Jobs Online

Many employees find themselves questioning why they are required to work in the office all week when their job could easily be done from the comfort of their own home. This issue has become increasingly relevant in today\’s digital age, where technology

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Why do employers force you to work in office all week for a job that can easily be done at home? Read More »

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Strategies for Negotiating Work from Home When Job is Going to be Onsite 5 Days a Week

Writing Jobs Online

The biggest difference that you will make in negotiating for remote work in your favor is how prepared you are for the discussion with your manager. Focus on how you’re going to persuade them into allowing you to work remote and how you can show them t

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Strategies for Negotiating Work from Home When Job is Going to be Onsite 5 Days a Week Read More »

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