If you are experiencing symptoms such as vertigo, hearing loss, tinnitus, and ear pressure, you may be wondering how you were diagnosed with Menière’s disease. Here is some information to help you understand the process.
The risk of hearing loss is lower if doctors inject the gentamicin only once and wait 4 weeks before repeating if necessary. Pressure from the buildup of fluid and damage to some of the delicate structures in the inner ear can cause a variety of symptoms that appear suddenly, without warning, and can last minutes to hours. Many people have only mild symptoms, but in others the symptoms are severe enough to be disabling. Hearing loss comes and goes, but over time some degree of hearing loss may become permanent. Ménière’s disease is a disorder of the inner ear that causes severe dizziness (vertigo), ringing in the ears (tinnitus), hearing loss, and a feeling of fullness or congestion in the ear.
Scientists estimate that six out of 10 people either get better on their own or can control their vertigo with diet, drugs, or devices. However, a small group of people with Ménière’s disease will get relief only by undergoing surgery. Ménière’s disease does not have a cure yet, but your doctor might recommend some of the treatments below to help you cope with the condition. Ménière’s disease symptoms can come on suddenly and without warning.
Some people with Ménière’s disease have vertigo so extreme that they lose their balance and fall. These episodes are called “drop attacks.”Ménière’s disease can develop at any age, but it is more likely to happen to adults between 40 and 60 years of age. However, treatment may not stop the gradual hearing loss. Vertigo is one of the main symptoms of Ménière disease. It can cause falls, trouble driving, or prevent other normal activities of daily living. It may be hard to work or interact with your family and friends.
There is no cure for M’nière’s disease, so treatment focuses on managing symptoms. Some people have a family history of Ménière’s disease, which means people may inherit the condition. It is difficult to predict how Ménière’s disease will affect a person’s future.
Rarely, you may be offered surgery on your inner ear if you’re finding it difficult to manage your symptoms. Let your family, friends, and co-workers know about the disease. There are also support groups for people who have this condition. Your doctor also can prescribe medicine to relieve feelings of dizziness and nausea. The symptoms and severity of Ménière’s disease vary widely from person to person.
Consulting an Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist
The first step in getting diagnosed with Menière’s disease is to consult an Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) specialist. They will conduct a thorough medical history review and physical examination to assess your symptoms.
You may struggle with anxiety, waiting for and worrying about the next bout. Fortunately, healthcare providers have treatments that reduce Ménière’s disease symptoms, including vertigo. They also understand how this condition may affect your mental health.
Diagnostic Tests
After the initial consultation, your ENT specialist may recommend certain diagnostic tests to confirm the presence of Menière’s disease. These tests may include:
- Hearing test (audiometry): This test measures your ability to hear sounds at different pitches and volumes.
- Vestibular function tests: These tests assess your balance and eye movements to evaluate the function of your inner ear.
- Imaging tests: In some cases, imaging tests such as MRI or CT scans may be ordered to rule out other possible causes of your symptoms.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some common questions about the diagnosis of Menière’s disease:
- How long does it take to get diagnosed with Menière’s disease?
- Can Menière’s disease be diagnosed based on symptoms alone?
The time it takes to diagnose Menière’s disease can vary depending on the severity of your symptoms and the availability of diagnostic tests. It is important to follow your doctor’s recommendations and attend all scheduled appointments for a timely diagnosis.
While symptoms such as vertigo, hearing loss, tinnitus, and ear pressure are common in Menière’s disease, a definitive diagnosis usually requires a combination of medical history review, physical examination, and diagnostic tests.