Understanding the 4 Stages of Osteoarthritis in the Knee

Ageless Knees

Osteoarthritis is a common degenerative joint disease that affects millions of people worldwide. When it comes to osteoarthritis of the knee, there are four main stages that the condition progresses through. Understanding these stages can help individuals manage their symptoms and seek appropriate treatment.

✅ Ageless Knees

In some cases, a doctor may recommend a joint fluid test, which involves removing some fluid with a needle and sending it to a laboratory for testing. An individual may not notice symptoms in the early stages of OA. An X-ray may not reveal any damage, but bony growths of bone called osteophytes can be an early sign of OA. By Lana BandoimBandoim has nearly 20 years of experience writing for a variety of outlets including health sites, scientific publishers, and academic medical centers.

During the progression, there is obvious joint inflammation and weakening of knee cartilage. The patient will feel discomfort and pain when walking, running, squatting, or kneeling. The best thing to do for osteoarthritis is to visit a healthcare provider as soon as you notice symptoms, especially if they’re making it hard to participate in your usual activities. You’ll probably have to manage your symptoms for a long time, but your provider will help you find a combination of treatments that keeps you active and your joints safe and supported. Knee osteoarthritis (OA), also known as degenerative joint disease, is typically the result of wear and tear and progressive loss of articular cartilage. Knee osteoarthritis can be divided into two types, primary and secondary.

Stage 1: Minor

Other changes in the joint at this stage can include slight damage to the cartilage, and narrowing of the space between the bones in the joint. As these functions break down, they no longer protect the bones of the knee joint. This surgery shifts the weight of your body away from the points of the bone where the greatest bone spur growth and bone damage have occurred.

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OA is a progressive joint disease caused by cartilage breakdown. OA can affect any joint in the body but occurs most often in the knees. A wide range of treatments, from OTC medications to knee replacement surgery, are available to help relieve knee pain caused by OA. Bone spurs are bony growths that often develop where bones meet each other in the joint. There might be minor loss of cartilage but not enough to compromise the joint space.

  • In the initial stage of osteoarthritis of the knee, there may be minor discomfort or pain after physical activity.
  • The joint may also feel stiff after periods of inactivity.
  • X-rays may show slight narrowing of the joint space or small bone spurs.
  • However, researchers are getting closer to understanding the underlying mechanisms of OA. In a 2020 article, the author outlined the underlying mechanics behind the development of OA. They indicated that future treatments may be able to target specific aspects in relation to the development of the condition and potentially help reverse the damage. A person may notice pain during activity along with increased pain and stiffness following periods of rest. Healthcare professionals may assign stage 0 to people with healthy joints.

    Symptoms of osteoarthritis typically begin after age 40 and can vary widely. Symptoms of osteoarthritis most frequently affect the fingers, feet, knees, hips, and spine, and less commonly, the elbows, wrists, shoulders, and ankles. Your medical provider must combine them with your medical history, physical examination, and laboratory tests. This will give the full picture so you can receive the best treatment possible.

    ✅ Knee Pain Reducing Stretch

    Learn about the stages, signs, and symptoms to watch out for below. Visit a healthcare provider as soon as you notice any symptoms of osteoarthritis. Even minor joint pain can be a sign that you need treatment — especially if it doesn’t get better in a few days. Talk to your healthcare provider if osteoarthritis makes it hard (or impossible) to stay active. They’ll help you find new treatments to manage your symptoms. A healthcare provider will diagnose osteoarthritis with a physical exam and imaging tests.

Stage 2: Mild

  • As osteoarthritis progresses to stage 2, pain and stiffness in the knee may become more noticeable.
  • There may be occasional swelling in the joint.
  • X-rays will likely show more significant joint space narrowing and the presence of osteophytes.

Stage 3: Moderate

  • At this stage, pain, stiffness, and swelling in the knee are more persistent and may interfere with daily activities.
  • X-rays will show even greater joint space narrowing, along with more prominent bone spurs and possibly the beginning of bone-on-bone contact.

Stage 4: Severe

  • In the final stage of osteoarthritis of the knee, pain and stiffness are constant and severe.
  • Mobility may be significantly limited, and the knee joint may be visibly deformed.
  • X-rays will show extensive joint space narrowing, large bone spurs, and significant loss of cartilage.

It is essential for individuals experiencing symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee to consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan. Early intervention and management can help slow the progression of the disease and improve quality of life.

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