Understanding the 4 Types of Brain Waves

The Genius Wave

Brainwaves are the collection of electrical activity in the brain. This electrical activity is caused by the communication of neurons in the brain. The communication between neurons enables various bodily activities such as coordinated thought, homeostasis, and muscle movement. Neurons can also convert electrical signals to chemical signals to further differentiate the various activities the brain must control. 0.5 to 3 HertzDelta brainwaves are slow, loud brainwaves (low frequency and deeply penetrating, like a drum beat). Delta waves suspend external awareness and are the source of empathy.

✅ The Genius Wave

Theta burst stimulation is a method of stimulating the brain with bursts of electrical energy. At PsyFi TMS we offer this cutting edge technology to help patients achieve better brain function. We imaged 6 VGLUT2 mice, 6 PV mice, 6 SOM mice, and 5 VIP mice at P14. At P28, we imaged 4 VGLUT2 mice, 7 PV mice, 6 SOM mice, and 7 VIP mice.

When the PV neurons were switched on, the cortex of the animals showed more of the gamma activity typical of conscious states. Other experiments were performed to rule out the nearby cholinergic neurons, and to test neuronal firing in vitro. The results showed that PV neurons are necessary to initiate cortical band oscillations, and that they did not rely on other neurons to help trigger synchronized oscillations. To test this theory, the researchers needed to be able to selectively activate different types of neurons. Using a technique called optogenetics, where cells are genetically altered with photosensitive switches, the researchers toggled the PV neurons on and off using laser light.

Our brain produces electrical signals known as brain waves that can be detected through an electroencephalogram (EEG). These brain waves are categorized into four main types, each serving a different purpose and corresponding to different states of consciousness.

✅ Stroke of Genius

The signals were bandpass filtered from 0.1 to 14.5 Hz (Chebyshev type II digital filter). We registered the fluorescent calcium signals using both the Allen Mouse Common Coordinate Framework v2 (CCF v2) anatomical template72 and the Allen Developing Mouse Brain Atlas73 as references, as shown in Supplementary Fig. We selected data from mice with fluorescent signals that were significantly greater than those of wild-type mice (Supplementary Fig. 4g). The BSR under anesthesia was calculated by segmenting the EEG data into bursts and suppressions using voltage- and duration-based thresholds. The team utilized innovative techniques – including in vitro reconstructions of hippocampal subregions and microfluidic tunnels for single axon communication – to observe spontaneous spindle waves in isolated hippocampal neurons. So, while the exact method of boosting gamma waves through meditation still needs to be determined, you can still reap other benefits from this practice.

Alpha Waves

But measurement at this level is difficult (laboratory-based) and provides a limited picture. We learnt a lot about brain activity in the 1980s thanks to the advent of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Currently, no single approach to imaging or measuring brain activity gives us the whole picture.

Alpha waves are associated with a relaxed yet alert state of mind. They typically occur when we are awake but in a calm and meditative state. Alpha waves have been linked to creativity, problem-solving, and overall mental coordination.

✅ The Healing Wave

When alpha waves occur in excess during sleep, they can contribute to sleep disorders. A remarkable aspect of brain rhythms is their evolutionarily conserved nature. Every known oscillation in one species is also found in virtually all other mammals.

Beta Waves

Beta waves are high-frequency brain waves that are most prevalent when we are alert and focused on tasks. They are associated with active thinking, concentration, and logical reasoning. Beta waves are commonly seen during periods of stress or anxiety.

Theta Waves

Theta waves are slower brain waves that are present during deep relaxation, meditation, and light sleep. They are often associated with creativity, inspiration, and spiritual experiences. Theta waves can also play a role in memory consolidation and emotional processing.

To investigate the differences in the spatial distribution and efficiency of fluorescent protein expression, we conducted simulation experiments (Supplementary Fig. 5). We generated three sets of unrelated signals and created three groups of spatial amplitude and time delay distributions, also adding zero-mean Gaussian noise. To mimic variations in fluorescent protein expression and spatial distribution, we produced several spatial distribution patterns (simulated efficiency in Supplementary Fig. 5).

Delta Waves

Delta waves are the slowest brain waves and are typically observed during deep, dreamless sleep. They are crucial for restorative sleep, healing, and rejuvenation. Delta waves are also important for the body’s immune response and overall physical recovery.

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