There is no one specific way to increase brain waves, as it ultimately depends on the individual’s neurological functioning and underlying health conditions. If you have slow brain waves on your EEG, it is important to discuss this with your healthcare provider as they may recommend further testing or treatment options. Alpha brain waves represent one pattern of electrical activity produced by the brain.
Overactive brain waves, also known as hyperactivity in the brain, can lead to a variety of cognitive and emotional issues. But what exactly causes these overactive brain waves? There are several factors that can contribute to this phenomenon.
TMS is approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat depression and migraines by disrupting the circuits that can lead to symptoms of those conditions. In the study, the largest of its kind, the researchers studied the functional connections of the brain in 121 adults diagnosed with major depressive disorder, or MDD. They measured the synchronization of electrical signals from the brain — brain waves — to study networks among the different brain regions.
With a new biophysical theory of how the waves emerge, the researchers hope the field can now investigate whether beta rhythms affect or merely reflect behavior and disease. Jones’s team in collaboration with Professor of Neuroscience Christopher Moore at Brown is now testing predictions from the theory that beta may decrease sensory or motor information processing functions in the brain. The brain is made up of millions of neurons that use electrical signals to transmit information.
One possible cause of overactive brain waves is genetics. Research has shown that certain genetic mutations or variations can lead to abnormal brain activity. Individuals with a family history of neurological disorders may be more likely to experience overactive brain waves.
Researchers say people with these abnormalities tend to generate overactive brain waves, or too much electrical activity, in this region of the brain, which is what fuels the tremors. The researchers reviewed studies that measured brief electrical tremors – naturally occurring electrical vibrations produced in areas at the front of the brain – using EEG, an electrophysiological monitoring method to record electrical activity on the scalp. By collating the findings from the studies they found that brain waves, known as ‘theta activity’, in people with conditions like anxiety, OCD, and ADHD are different following mistakes or challenging situations compared to the theta activity in those with healthy brains.
When the brain displays this type of EEG wave, it often means that a person is focused on a specific thought and not paying attention to unwanted distractions. But a new cerebellar encephalogram (EEG) technique that the researchers developed for this study could offer a more definitive, speedier diagnosis. Unlike standard EEGs, the researchers say this technology is able to pick up on electrical signals in the cerebellum. The case for GluRδ2 insufficiency was made even stronger after the researchers studied mice designed to have this brain protein deficiency.
“The area of the brain that showed the greatest degree of abnormal connections was the prefrontal cortex, which is heavily involved in regulating mood and solving problems,” he said. “When brain systems lose their flexibility in controlling connections, they may not be able to adapt to change. “This inability to control how brain areas work together may help explain some of the symptoms in depression,” he said.
Stress and Anxiety
Another common factor that can trigger overactive brain waves is stress and anxiety. When we are under stress, our brain releases hormones that can disrupt the normal functioning of neurotransmitters, leading to increased brain activity. Chronic stress and anxiety can contribute to long-term overactivity in the brain.
Neurological Conditions
Neurological conditions such as epilepsy, ADHD, and autism can also cause overactive brain waves. These conditions are characterized by abnormal electrical activity in the brain, which can manifest as hyperactivity or overstimulation. Treatment for these conditions often involves regulating brain waves through medication or therapy.
Environmental Factors
Environmental factors such as exposure to toxins, pollutants, or electromagnetic radiation can also play a role in triggering overactive brain waves. Certain substances or environmental triggers can disrupt the delicate balance of neurotransmitters in the brain, leading to hyperactivity and abnormal brain waves.
Treatment and Management
For individuals experiencing overactive brain waves, seeking professional help from a neurologist or psychiatrist is crucial. Depending on the underlying cause, treatment options may include medications, therapy, lifestyle changes, or alternative therapies such as biofeedback or meditation. By addressing the root cause of overactive brain waves, individuals can work towards achieving a healthier and more balanced brain function.