Understanding the Underlying Cause of Meniere’s Disease

Hearing & Brain Health

Although the hearing gradually worsens, Meniere’s disease rarely results in deafness of the affected ear. But, as Burns also points out, most of the time, most leaders act in what he calls a transactional manner. They try to cut deals or make decisions that will help them out in the reasonably short term. There is no better example of that than the politicians in established democracies who are constantly paying the most attention to the polls and their chances of getting reelected. This often leads to supporting the “comfortable, established” ways of thinking, which support the status quo and continue the inequalities, injustice, and emotions, which perpetuate conflicts, rather than ameliorate or transform them. It takes bold leadership to address the causes of intractable conflicts in a meaningful way, to reduce enmity and pave the way toward more constructive relationships.


Meniere’s disease is a chronic condition that affects the inner ear, causing symptoms such as vertigo, hearing loss, tinnitus, and a feeling of fullness in the ear. While the exact cause of Meniere’s disease is still unknown, there are several theories that attempt to explain its underlying mechanism.

For others, balance and vision issues may chronically continue but stabilize—rather than occurring acutely with severe attacks of vertigo. Language that treats it as a disease or a moral failing has a significant impact on health care providers’ attitudes towards those patients [43] Physicians were given vignettes about a patient. If treatments aimed at restoring normal function of the inner ear are not successful, ablative forms of treatment are considered.

In your opinion, what is the most supported theory of the underlying cause of Menieres disease?

Vascular Theory:

One of the most commonly accepted theories is the vascular theory, which suggests that Meniere’s disease is caused by abnormalities in the blood vessels of the inner ear. These abnormalities can lead to changes in blood flow and pressure, resulting in the characteristic symptoms of the condition.


More than anything else, Meniere’s tends to be known for the extreme and unpredictable dizziness that typically comes with it—vertigo, with which the individual is overcome by an overwhelming sensation of spinning. Other telltale symptoms come with Meniere’s as well, but it’s the intense and random vertigo that many people find the most troublesome. A key concept related to moralization is moral responsibility, along with the accompanying emotions of guilt, shame, and blame. A widely shared criterion for moral responsibility is that the agent is not compelled or that he is free in the relevant sense.

Autoimmune Theory:

Another theory that has gained traction in recent years is the autoimmune theory, which proposes that Meniere’s disease is an autoimmune disorder where the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks the inner ear. This theory is supported by the presence of antibodies in some patients with Meniere’s disease.

Fluid Buildup Theory:

Some researchers believe that Meniere’s disease is caused by an accumulation of fluid in the inner ear, leading to increased pressure and dysfunction of the delicate structures involved in balance and hearing. This theory is supported by the effectiveness of treatments that aim to reduce fluid buildup in the inner ear.


If we decide that we would like to be praised and recognised for something, we analyse how the observed person came to this result. It is human nature to want to be accepted by others, so we automatically observe how others behave and what the consequences are in order to adapt our behaviour. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Meniere’s disease, speak with your eye doctor about the benefits of vision therapy. Oregon Health & Science University is dedicated to improving the health and quality of life for all Oregonians through excellence, innovation and leadership in health care, education and research.

Most often, Meniere’s involves only one ear, but in about 15 percent of people with the disorder, both ears are involved. Meniere’s disease (Meniere’s) is a disorder of the inner ear that sometimes seems to carry with it more questions than answers. In recent years, however, the scientific and medical community’s understanding of Meniere’s has increased significantly. Although there still is no cure, medical professionals are now better able to advise and treat people with the disorder to help them manage its symptoms. The upshot of this can mean different kinds of policies, levels of social tolerance, and distribution of resources in ways, which may be unjust.

Genetic Predisposition:

There is also evidence to suggest that genetics may play a role in the development of Meniere’s disease, with certain individuals being more predisposed to developing the condition due to inherited factors. Studies have identified specific genetic markers that may increase the risk of Meniere’s disease.

  • Vascular Theory: Abnormalities in blood vessels of the inner ear
  • Autoimmune Theory: Immune system attacks the inner ear
  • Fluid Buildup Theory: Accumulation of fluid in the inner ear
  • Genetic Predisposition: Inherited factors that increase risk

While each theory has its strengths and weaknesses, the most supported theory of the underlying cause of Meniere’s disease remains a topic of ongoing research and debate. Further studies are needed to fully understand the complex mechanisms involved in this debilitating condition.

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